Last Sunday we (25 exchange students from Estonia) came back from our wonderful trip to Helsinki. Our adventure started at the port in Tallinn Saturday morning. We took the Tallink ferry to Helsinki. Most of the time we spent in a restaurant eating breakfast, because the food has really been good.

With full stomachs and excitement we took our first steps through Helsinki. First impression: There is a whole lot of wind! Since the hostel was on the other side of the city we already had the chance to see a lot of Helsinki, while walking there. We slept in a nice and comfortable youth hostel in the east of the city. So very close to the Baltic Sea. At about 2 o'clock we started a city game. In groups of five we had to solve 9 Challenges in 9 different places plus 2 extra challenges and would get a certain number of points, when doing it correctly. This was a nice way for getting around the city and gaining a further impression. But most important: It was a lot of fun! Have you and your friends ever sung three national anthems at a time? Or have been trying to take a picture of the most weirdest thing on a market place. For getting around our group chose to take the tram, which was an easy, fast and cheap way.

Through all this time we discovered the several interesting and beautiful sights. The first ones you will probably notice are the two Cathedrals, both very close to the central market place and the shopping streets. They are situated higher than the rest of the city, so that you have a beautiful view. The market place itself is at the Baltic Sea. Except weekly, and currently Christmas markets, there is also the market hall opened every day, except Sunday. (We wanted to go there on Sunday, but sadly it was closed). The city game also send us to the Love Bridge, where we had to find the lock that was placed there by YFU exchange students.
In the evening we met to eat dinner in the city center. So we had plenty of time. Some exchange students even got to go ice-scating or taking a ride on the Ferris-wheel near the harbor. But after dinner we still went on, but now freely, and discovered the city in the dark. Currently Helsinki is lightened up by Christmas lights and decorations. All the streets were decorated an when standing in front of the cathedrals (remember: located higher) you had an amazing overview. Most amazing was a shop window with snow, and moving puppets and trees. You can see it on the picture. After another couple of hours we returned to the hotel, where we ended our day with a lot of fun.
The next day was free time, so we divided into smaller groups and went back to the city center to go shopping, do sightseing or just hanging around. Our group also decided to look around again and then go shopping for Christmas presents and souvenirs.
Last thing to mention: Helsinki is a very musical city. We listened to gorgeous street musicians, such as two women playing classical songs or a man playing songs on bottles partly filled with water, which created an unique sound. All around Helsinki was music.
As you might have noticed, I completely love this city and would like to go there any time again. We had such a great fun with each other and have been sad, that this amazing trip only lasted two days.
Andrea from Germany
Exchange student in Estonia 2014/2015