Hallmark invented the Friendship Day in 1919. Its purpose
was to value friendship by sending each other cards. However, by 1940 the
tradition was not popular anymore and soon it died out. In 1998 in the USA Winnie
the Pooh was named the Ambassador of Friendship and in April 2011 the 30th of
July was announced as the International Friendship Day (although most countries
celebrate it on the first Sunday of August).
How are friendship and YFU related? YFU offers cultural exchange
programs with an educational purpose in countries all over the world. One of
the reasons for doing an exchange besides improving language skills and
experiencing a new culture is the wish to find friends and acquaintances.

The most important thing about finding friends is the right
behaviour. Smiling, maintaining eye-contact and
being a good listener all
help along. This does not mean that one is not allowed to speak about himself –
it is important to find the right balance. Approaching everyone as a clean slate
helps forget prejudices and find common traits.
YFU also tries to help students make friends via
orientations held both at home and in exchange countries where students can meet
and afterwards spend time together. It is also possible to contact YFU’s staff
when faced with difficulties.
All of this might seem like a big effort but in the end it will
pay off as the friendships made during exchange year often last for a very long
Therefore on the 1st Sunday of August (03.08.2014) lets all
try to remember our friends in both Estonia and abroad by sending them a card,
flowers or doing something nice together J