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Autumn meeting in YFU

Autumn is here and so our first Host families and Students Day with YFU arrived safely.

Autumn meeting is a part of YFU year events and gives the opportunity to meet other host families and students.

This year the event took place in Tallinn (http://www.kullo.ee/Kullo_Lastegalerii ) and Tartu (http://www.dorpatensis.ee/) on 10th of October.

Almost all host families were joining YFU day with the whole family, so over 60 people were in both cities to meet each other. The day consists of group works – all the family members are asked to join different groups - hostmoms with other hostmoms, hostdads with other hostdads... As for smaller siblings there are some fun activities as well – in Tartu we visited the famous Toy Museum (http://www.mm.ee/) and in Tallinn they played a lot of different board games.

hostsiblings in front of the Town Hall in Tartu
After group works we have a tradition to eat lunch all together and it will give more time and opportunity to talk with everyone you want to or haven´t had the chance on previous meetings. 

For sure this is one day that Exchange students love – finally they can meet with each other again and talk in native language for a while. But also to discover city of Tartu and Tallinn.

Next time they meet is at the end of November, where YFU organizes the extra trip to Helsinki – as it is first Advent weekend, there will be a Christmas Market already open. Who wouldn´t love that?